Where do I start?

In recent weeks I have been sucked into a whirlwind of emotions, news, encounters, fights that I have not had time and mind to sit down and write.
They pointed out to me that I haven’t spent any time blogging for several weeks and I will try to fix it today by summarizing the summary of the summary of the previous episodes.

(The only certainty is the role of Brooke staying with the son of the cousin of the husband of the son-in-law of the father-in-law of the uncle of the grandfather of the grandson of Ridge).

The new bookseller started the canned adventure and after only 3 and I mean 3 hours she exclaimed:
No, but I can’t do it here!
(don’t worry, he was referring to the amount of food my mother brought to welcome her).
After the first moment of panic, it settled down just fine, so much so that it literally revolutionized the bookcase by creating new shelves with recycled material, rearranging the alphabetical order even of the invoices, in short, I confess to you, but don’t tell him: he does fear!

After months in which the most distant trip was the Carugate library, I took out a few days to be with my family and I even had to activate data roaming, because I was in France! We went to visit my father’s family. There were also my two granddaughters, the mini booksellers; I had the brilliant idea of sleeping with them in a queen size bed! I’m not going to tell you about the kicks I took that night even though it was worth it I fell asleep with Asia who read me the Cinderella story.

Upon returning to Milan, two things awaited me: the new bookseller on the doorstep of the bookstore, because you know how punctual it is differently, and Bookpride – the independent publishing fair.

A great opportunity to have a chat with the shady types of De Gustibus of Radio Popolare, spending time with colleagues and talking with them the Italian Book Challenge ; give a face to the many e-mail addresses of publishers that I have stored on my pc and talk about the fabulous job of reading, thanks to the event organized by GoodBook .

Not happy, to give a further load of emotions and anxiety, I agreed to speak at the UEM School for Booksellers together with Serena Casini of the Volante Bookshop . We talked about how social media can be useful for realities like ours.

But the greatest emotion, I can’t deny it, I experienced it on April 5 (my 32nd birthday) because I finally made public the cover of my novel The library of suspended stories which will be released on May 5 for Rizzoli.
A novel set in Milan, in a small neighborhood bookshop with lilac walls, a bookshop located near Piazzale Lodi, a bookshop with a bookseller inside with large glasses (each reference is purely coincidental, of course); a novel that you decided to adopt even before you came out, a dream that I tattooed on my arm and that needed so much more ink to become the written story that I hope many will read.
This adventure will take me to visit bookstores and friends booksellers around the boot and I can’t wait! #boxalillaintour
And who knows, maybe one day you will enter the bookstore not to ask me where scratchers can be bought, but to ask me if it is: The library of suspended stories!
The library of suspended stories