Going to meet the booksellers of the Nina bookshop will be an opportunity to take a tour in Tuscany, a land that I know very little and that has always fascinated me.
I stood still for a while with the booksellers book next door, but I collected a lot more material.
I thought of letting more time pass between one article and another so as to give the right space to each library that accepts to answer my questions, to give the blog readers the opportunity not to miss even a virtual tour

Andrea, like many of the other interviewees, I follow him on Facebook and his posts always manage to get me more than a laugh.

But now let’s virtually enter their library:

Library name: NINA
year of opening: 2008
sqm: 75
employees : none, only the shareholders
genre : mostly fiction, but also a little bit of everything
region : Tuscany
city : Pietrasanta
address : via Mazzini 54

What did you do in your “previous life”?
Andrea: among many others: I worked in a bank
Valentina: I was studying modern history in Pisa

When did you decide to join the crazy world of books?
The bookshop opened in 2008 with Andrea and Linda. Valentina arrived in 2013.

What’s the question customers should never ask you?
Eight euros… and with the discount?

And what, on the other hand, is the thing that makes you the most pleasure they tell you?
Andrea: that we have a good selection, because in fact it is our ambition and the meaning of our work
Valentina : when they tell me they liked the book I recommended

The strangest request that was made of you?
“I would like Romeo and Juliet, but the real one, not the one with the jokes”

The first book you read?
Andrea: I was born in the seventies, a very lucky time to start reading, so definitely Rodari. I would say Baron Lamberto was there twice
Valentina: the very first book was Cipì: “Cipì Cipì, let me get out of here”

I know it’s difficult, but if I asked you for a podium, what would be the 3 books you would tell me?
Andrea: I immediately tell you The story of Morante, Zadie Smith’s White Teeth and Yates’ Revolutionary road (two women out of three …)
Valentina: The name of the rose by Umberto Eco, Augustus by John Williams and The Count of Monte Cristo by Dumas (no woman!)


If you could submit a request to those in charge of supporting and helping libraries, what would you ask?
A serious law of support, as in the most advanced countries and in which, not surprisingly, one reads more. The Levi law was a first attempt at regulation, too timid and circumventable.

What book are you reading at the moment?
Andrea I like men in general very much by Veronique Ovaldé
Valentina Created by Gore Vidal

Which book would you recommend instead?
Andrea: It’s difficult without looking into each other’s eyes, but I would say that In a journey in the wrong direction by Michael Zadoorian is a book that MUST please everyone
Valentina: I would say whatever Moheringer’s full day

Digital book, true enemy of paper?
The enemies are the “culture” of discounting, gadgets and the proliferation of ugly books. The ebook is complementary to the paper, obviously you just need to pay for it, and not everyone does it.

Is there a bookseller next door that you recommend I contact?
Music and books by Annalina Messina, in Bastia Umbra

How can we keep in touch with your library? Leave us all your contact details. Facebook, twitter, instagram, blog …
Nina the Pietrasanta bookshop
or our personal pages (Andrea Geloni and Valentina Bertolini)