When I pack my suitcase before leaving, it takes me longer to choose the books than the clothes to bring. I need a book for travel, a book for the sea, a book if it’s cold, a book for after dinner, a book to wish me a good morning.

Why choose books as travel companions?


They do not ask to stop at the Autogrill to pee 5 minutes after departure.

They don’t get burned by forcing you to smear bottles and bottles of sunscreen cream.

They don’t get up at noon after a good night while you like good lizards would already like to be on the beach.

You can read them immediately after lunch without waiting 3 hours for digestion.

You can use them as a room divider between you and the meddling umbrella neighbors. Just hide behind the open book and that’s it.

On the contrary, they could be a tool to impress, after all they have also launched a campaign called ” Reading is sexy “.

They don’t ask you: am I okay with this costume? Don’t I look like a barrel? Do you see me put on weight?

There are no jealousy scenes if after finishing a novel you throw yourself headlong into another, they are for sharing. The more the better.

They are not offended if you leave them at home to make room for another book, they are patient and know that their time will come and then it will be beautiful!

In short, they are the best companions ever!

In the video you will find a small selection of readings for all tastes.

Happy holidays to those like me who will stay in the city, to those who are at the seaside, in the mountains around the world. Good reads to all!

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Here are the recommended titles:

Antipodes of Raffaele Napoli (Casasirio)

Who is without sin has no shit to tell by Vincenzo Costantino (Marcos y Marcos)

By superior law of Giorgio Fontana (Sellerio)

My little sorrows by Miriam Toews (Marcos y Marcos)

The unmistakable sadness of Aimee Bender’s lemon cake (Minimum Fax)

Blessing by Kent Haruf (NN Publisher)

Peep Show by Federico Baccomo (Marsilio)

They sleep on the hill by Giacomo Di Girolamo (Il Saggiatore)

The foam of the days of Boris Vian (Marcos y Marcos)