But why do you organize so many bookstore meetings?
Because I think there is nothing more beautiful than being able to meet each other, talk about books and, why not, meet writers.
So, hand to the diaries, write down what will happen next week in the lilac box and beyond …
Monday, I remind you to be my day off, so if you finally decided to come and see me, do it from Tuesday to Saturday, so you don’t find the shutter closed; moreover, a beautiful shutter in my opinion.
(incidentally, I discovered that some people have gone to take selfies in front of the closed library: if you are reading me please send me your photos, so I am very moved!).
Wednesday 17 February at 9.30 pm I return as a guest of the Cafè Bandini , with the moment of the bookseller on the stage who has 5 minutes to recommend a contemporary book. Vincenzo Costantino will respond to my reading advice by bringing instead an author from the past, often forgotten and less appreciated authors than they deserved.
Thursday 18 February at 18.30 we host Angelo Calvisi and his novel published by CasaSirio: Adieu mon coeur
here you can find the facebook event
Paolo is a successful musician but also a thirteen year old terrified by the idea of not pleasing anyone and an alcoholic prone to self-destruction.
Paolo has parents who fight all day, two half-French children, an annual appointment that he just can’t miss and an adolescence spent in the community.
But Paolo is in love and this, as we know, can change direction even in a moving train.
Friday 19 February at 6.30 pm we host Pierluigi Porazzi who returns to the bookstore with Azrael (Marsilio)
click here for the facebook event
A mysterious killer is ready to strike using the same modus operandi of the Skull, the serial killer who acted covered by a disturbing mask that earned him the nickname. But the Skull was captured, and is currently being held in a maximum security prison. So who is hiding behind the killer mask? Who kills by imitating the macabre rituals of his predecessor? Someone taking revenge on former agent and profiler Alex Nero? An accomplice? An imitator? A follower? Who is Azrael?
These are the disturbing questions that Alex Nero will be called to answer, together with the team of investigators with whom he has already collaborated in the previous investigations.
Saturday 20 February at 6.30 pm we will present Vangelo Yankee (‘round midnight editions) and we will wear the words of Nicolò Gianelli .
The power of books is also this, words are immortal, a part of you will always remain. Nicolò knew how to do it with words. I was lucky enough to host him in the library and to hear his story about the librarian who, after just 30 seconds from the beginning of the reading, had already conquered those present. I hope you can find an hour to come and listen and if you will also go and read what Nicolò has left us.

click here for the facebook event
I chose this poem of his.
Dying is silent
because at the exact moment
in which we become dead
we also become deaf.
Dying makes no noise,
not even that of a cry
not even that of the heart
and if it seems obvious to you
explain to me why
every day that I live
I prepare the sound and the chord
when I will be dead.
Nicolò Gianelli – May 2011
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